Welcome to the 2024 Yuma County Fair Junior Livestock Division Online Entry Portal!
Thank you for choosing to submit your entries electronically. Before you begin, please review the rules for each department you plan to enter your exhibit(s). You can access an electronic copy of the Fair Book at https://www.yumafair.com/premium-book.html.  If you have any questions while entering, please email jlcyuma@outlook.com or contact Holly Norris, ShoWorks Administrator, at 520.251.3588.
Fill out each required field slowly and accurately. Double check your typing before moving on. So that we may contact you, be sure things like your name, address, phone number, and email address are entered correctly.  
A few notes before you begin: 1) You must choose a division drop down box. 2) If you have a market animal, you must check the Market class 3) You must choose a 4-H Club or FFA Chapter and 4) You must sign up for a showmanship class.  Please click "Sign In" above to begin.
Thank you for your interest in participating in the Yuma County Fair Livestock Division.